Sunday, September 22, 2019

Life Past 65

 Me at 69

So did you also hear life slows down when you go on pension. Well not to burst your bubble but they lied - yip.

While you may have more time because you are away from the work rat race in Gauteng, believe me there are all sorts of things waiting to grab your time and drag you screaming into volunteer work and ministries. If you do not know how to say "No" or at the very least, "Let me pray about it" - you may find yourself driven to an early grave though pure burn-out.

Sure the bible says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", but that does not mean you are the only person God can use on this planet. We all have our callings and our ministries - immaterial if we are "saved" or not. And yes, we have reached that stage in our geriatric lives where we have multiple skill sets and years of experience that could help us do most things with ease. However - something you may have realised is, as you get older [every five years or so], your mind may retain all these things [well except where you put the keys and why on earth you opened the fridge] but your body definitely cannot keep up even if you think it can.

So is this the end?  Not at all. Its time to prioritise what you can do and do well while still enjoying life after 65. Its learning to take cat-naps if you need one, and loving being able to wake up at 3am to jump onto your computer without worrying about "work" in a few hours.
It's time to not try to do everything but to step back and mentor the young adults with your years of wisdom and skills so they can take over and run the race.

And in the end - you can, just like myself - sit back and reflect on a life lived to the full. Not much I did not try on both sides of the fence but except for a few regrets - most things just added colour to my life line. Its a time when you can watch the younger generation taking the foundation you set and building on it to the benefit of all those they come into contact with. Then you see your purpose played out in front of your eyes.

What about death, am I worried about it. Good grief - no of course not. Get real man, we all die, and for me that means life after life and the one that is waiting is far better than the one I have now.
You are welcome to your opinion but you always need to ask yourself, "what if D is right and I am wrong"?  Better hope you live longer, much longer than me.  Gwanny D'