Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thinking 'out of the box' for churches

"Theran’s ministry calling is to communicate the reality of God’s Kingdom using creative forms of media. His desire is to stand in the gap between the church and the world - the creative and the boxed - the academic and the popular."

So are we boxed and academic - or are we a church that will open new doors to 'the world' using creative forms - so that the unsaved can be drawn in and be introduced to the full love of the Father?

I believe our calling is to train up our congregation into discipleship, spiritual growth and to having the mind of Christ in spiritual maturity. But we also have a calling to reach 'the world' and that may mean re-engineering /recreating how we do things in 2010 compared to how we did outreach in let's say 1980.

I know the traditionalists will shout - 'compromise'. But if our church is filled with Christians and
not unbelievers I think there is a gap in our thinking. We can pay the missionaries to go into Africa - or we can take being mission minded as reaching out to the community of lost around our churches and how we are going to do that in new and refreshing ways.

Any ideas?

Food for thought for our evening services.